DTLS server: In state hello at dtls_handshake.erl:201 generated SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Insufficient Security

Hi there,

I’m using the EMQX MQTT-SN Gateway in DTLS with PSK.
After struggling to find a working configuration I finally got it running (at least it seems so).

Unfortunately I always run into this error, which is thrown by emqx:

[notice] DTLS server: In state hello at dtls_handshake.erl:201 generated SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Insufficient Security
[error] supervisor: 'esockd_connection_sup - <0.2621.0>', errorContext: connection_shutdown, reason: {ssl_error,{tls_alert,{insufficient_security,"DTLS server: In state hello at dtls_handshake.erl:201 generated SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Insufficient Security\n"}}}, offender: [{pid,<0.4324.1>},{name,connection},{mfargs,{emqx_gateway_conn,start_link,[#{chann_mod => emqx_mqttsn_channel,ctx => #{cm => <0.2603.0>,gwname => mqttsn},enable => true,enable_authn => true,enable_qos3 => true,enable_stats => true,frame_mod => emqx_mqttsn_frame,gateway_id => 1,idle_timeout => 30000,listener => {mqttsn,dtls,default},mountpoint => <<"mqttsn/">>,subs_resume => false}]}}]

There is no more information why emqx is stopping the DTLS-Handshake. Even a tcpdump gives no further information.
Cipher-Suites and DTLS-Versions have been checked and are correct.
All Loglevels I found in emqx have been set to most detailed (debug as far as I see).

Have you got any idea what I can do to make it running? Even some more error-messages would be appreciated.